Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents,

Thank you for a wonderful school year! It has been a pleasure and a joy to teach your children. This summer, please encourage your child to read daily and to practice a little math. This will help your child to move forward instead of experiencing the summertime lag.

Report cards will be available for parents to pick up in the school office on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 24th, 25th, and 26th. Any report cards not picked up by the end of the day Wednesday will be mailed.

As a reminder for those parents interested, tuition paid in full by July 1st receives a 2.5% discount, and tuition paid in full by August 1st receives a 1.5% discount. If you need more information or to make a payment please contact the school office.

We are still in need of a few more parents to help with the Field Day activities. If you are available to help with the activities on June 14th, please call the school office to have your name added to the helpers’ list. Helpers are needed from 8:25 to 11:00 for the Field Day stations. We will meet at the gym.

August 16th we will be having our annual Golf Tournament. It will be held at Quail Valley Golf Course this year. To register or for more information, please contact our development director, Lisa Meltebeke, at dd.sfa.vcs@gmail.com by August 1st.

This summer, we will be replacing the carpet in the 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. Mrs. Anders and Mrs. McDermott could use several large boxes to pack their books. If you have any large boxes to donate, they would greatly appreciate them.

May God provide you and your family with many blessings this summer!

Carol Funk, Principal

Following are the class teachers for the 2013/2014 school year:

Preschool—Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Robbins, Ms. Kennedy

Kindergarten—Ms. Duyck

Grade 1—Mrs. Solheim

Grade 2—Mrs. McDermott

Grade 3—Mrs. Anders

Grade 4—Ms. Sahlfeld

Grade 5/6—Mr. Meeuwsen, Homeroom, Math, Science, Social Studies

Grade 5/6—Mrs. Fisher, Language Arts

Grade 7/8—Mrs. Fisher, Homeroom, Language Arts, Social Studies

Grade 7/8—Mrs. Funk, Math, Science

Music/PE—Mr. Elison

Spanish—Mrs. Sheaffer

Library/Technology—Mrs. Vanderzanden


About visitationschool

Visitation is a Catholic Parish School that prepares students to be responsible citizens and life-long learners committed to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
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